Let customers select their bank accounts within the Trustly flow
Initiates a new order where customers can select and verify one of their bank accounts.
You can find more information about how to present the Trustly URL in Trustly URL presentation.
When the account has been verified an Account notification is immediately sent to the NotificationURL.
A typical flow is:
- The merchant makes an API-call to SelectAccount and redirects the end-user to the url.
- The end-user selects his/her bank and completes the identification process.
- The end-user is redirected back to the merchant at the SuccessURL, note that the account might not be verified yet at this point.
- When the account is verified, Trustly sends an Account notification to the merchant's system with information about the selected account
Request example
"method": "SelectAccount",
"params": {
"Data": {
"Attributes": {
"Country": "SE",
"Firstname": "Steve",
"IP": "",
"Lastname": "Smith",
"Locale": "sv_SE",
"Email": "[email protected]",
"MobilePhone": "+46709876543",
"NationalIdentificationNumber": "197901311234",
"DateOfBirth": "1979-01-31",
"SuccessURL": "https://your_success_page.com"
"EndUserID": "12345",
"MessageID": "your_unique_id",
"NotificationURL": "https://URL_to_your_notification_service",
"Password": "merchant_password",
"Username": "merchant_username"
"Signature": "Hh+sfaUnbtMKW[...]9YngA9bTpiqxw==",
"UUID": "258a2184-2842-b485-25ca-293525152425"
"version": "1.1"
Request parameters
Parameter name | Description | Required | Type | Example |
Username | The username. | Yes | Text | joe |
Password | The password. | Yes | Text | secret |
NotificationURL | The URL to which notifications for this order should be sent to. This URL should be hard to guess and not contain a ? ("question mark"). | Yes | Text | https://example.com/trustly/ notification/a2b63j23dj23883jhfhfh |
EndUserID | ID, username, hash or anything uniquely identifying the end-user to be identified. Preferably the same ID/username as used in the merchant's own backoffice in order to simplify for the merchant's support department. | Yes | Text | 123123 |
MessageID | Your unique ID for the account selection order. Each order you create must have an unique MessageID. | Yes | Text | 12345678 |
Attributes | Optional attributes for this method. See Attributes. | Yes | Object | { "Locale": "sv_SE" } |
Attribute name | Description | Req. | Type | Example |
Locale | The end-users localization preference in the format [language[_territory]]. Language is the ISO 639-1 code and territory the ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code. | Yes | Text | en_US |
Country | The ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code of the end-user's country. This will be used for preselecting the correct country for the end-user in the iframe. | Yes | Char(2) | SE |
Firstname | The end-user's firstname. | Yes | Text | Steve |
Lastname | The end-user's lastname. | Yes | Text | Smith |
SuccessURL | The URL to which the end-user should be redirected after he/she has completed the initial identification process. Do not put any logic on that page since it's not guaranteed that the end-user will in fact visit it. | Yes | Text | https://example.com/ thank_you.html |
FailURL | The URL to which the end-user should be redirected after a failed/aborted account selection. Do not put any logic on that page since it's not guaranteed that the end-user will in fact visit it. | Yes | Text | https://trustly.com/ error.html |
RequestDirectDebitMandate | Only for Trustly Direct Debit. Request a direct debit mandate from the selected account. 1 or 0. See section "Direct Debit Mandates" below for details. | No | Numeric | 1 |
The email address of the end user. *This attribute is required when using RequestDirectDebitMandate = 1. | Yes* | Text | [email protected] | |
TemplateURL | The URL to your template page. Read more about the TemplateURL on the Deposit page | No | Text | https://example.org/ checkout_trustly.html |
URLTarget | The html target/framename of the SuccessURL. Only _top, _self and _parent are supported. | No | Text | _top |
NationalIdentification Number | The end-user's social security number / personal number / birth number / etc. If a Swedish personid ("personnummer") is provided, it will be pre-filled when the user logs in to their bank. | No | Text | 197901311234 |
UnchangeableNational IdentificationNumber | This attribute disables the possibility to change/type in national identification number when logging in to a Swedish bank. If this attribute is sent, the attribute NationalIdentificationNumber needs to be correctly included in the request. Note: This is only available for Swedish banks. | No | Numeric | 1 |
ShopperStatement | Only for Trustly Direct Debit. The text to show in the email sent to end users for mandate requests The ShopperStatement should contain either your brand name, website name, or company name. | No | Text | MyBrand.com |
IP | The IP-address of the end-user. | No | Text | |
MobilePhone | The mobile phone number to the end-user in international format. | No | Text | +46709876543 |
DateOfBirth | The end-user's date of birth. | No | Text | 1979-01-31 |
[DEPRECATED, see ReturnToAppURL instead] URLScheme | Please note that when rendering the Trustly Checkout from a native app you are required to pass your application's URLScheme as an attribute to the order initiation request. By doing so, Trustly can redirect users back to your app after using external identification apps such as Mobile BankID. Please visit this link for more info. It must not be included for transactions that are not originating from an app | No | Text | yourCustomURLScheme:// |
ReturnToAppURL | When rendering the Trustly Checkout in a native app you are required to pass your application's url as an attribute to the order initiation request. By doing so, Trustly can redirect users back to your app after using external identification apps such as Mobile BankID: Please visit this link for more info. It must not be included for transactions that are not originating from an app. NOTE! This value is only used for redirecting users back to the native app within the flows. See also SuccessURL and FailURL descriptions. | No | Text | youCustomAppURL:// |
PSPMerchant | Human-readable identifier of the consumer-facing merchant (e.g. legal name or trade name) | No | Text | Merchant Ltd. |
PSPMerchantURL | URL of the consumer-facing website where the order is initiated | No | Text | www.merchant.com |
MerchantCategoryCode | VISA category codes describing the merchant's nature of business. | No | Text | 5499 |
PSPMerchant, PSPMerchantURL and MerchantCategoryCode
PSPMerchant, PSPMerchantURL and MerchantCategoryCode are mandatory attributes for Trustly Partners that are using Express Merchant Onboarding (EMO) and aggregate traffic under a master processing account.
Response example
"result": {
"signature": "R9+hjuMqbsH0Ku ... S16VbzRsw==",
"uuid": "258a2184-2842-b485-25ca-293525152425",
"method": "SelectAccount",
"data": {
"orderid": "2190971587",
"url": "https://trustly.com/_/bec96a48-d454-448e-a9ba-25fea8eeba3f"
"version": "1.1"
Response attributes
The result returned is a hash with the following attributes.
Hash key | Description | Type | Example |
orderid | The globally unique OrderID the account selection order was assigned in our system. | BigInt | 7653345737 |
url | The URL that should be loaded so that the end-user can complete the identification process. | Text | https://trustly.com/_/2f6b14fa-446a-4364-92f8-84b738d589ff |
Direct Debit Mandates
If the RequestDirectDebitMandate attribute is set, the behavior of the order changes with respect to how account notifications are emitted:
- Once the normal order flow is done and the end-user has chosen an account, an Account notification without the directdebitmandate attribute can be sent to the NotificationURL if the account is not immediately ready to be charged.
- If the end-user's bank has approved the mandate on the selected account and the account can be charged, an account notification with the directdebitmandate attribute set to "1" is sent.
- If creating the mandate is rejected by the end-user's bank or an active mandate is cancelled, an account notification with the directdebitmandate attribute set to "0" is sent.
- If the mandate at some point is revoked additional notificications will be sent to all selectaccount orders concerned. It will have the directdebitmandate attribute set to indicate the new status of the mandate.
Error codes
These error codes can be returned for SelectAccount calls. To handle errors, see Error handling.
Error Number | Error Code | Description |
602 | ERROR_FUNCTION_ACCESS_DENIED | The merchant does not have access to this function. |
607 | ERROR_HOST_ACCESS_DENIED | The IP address of the merchant has not been added to Trustly's IP-whitelist. |
616 | ERROR_INVALID_CREDENTIALS | The username and/or password used in the API call is incorrect. |
620 | ERROR_UNKNOWN | There could be several reasons for this error, please reach out to your Trustly contact for details. |
623 | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS | Some value or parameter in the API call does not match the expected format. |
636 | ERROR_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_RSA_SIGNATURE | The signature could not be verified using the merchant's public key. Either the wrong private key was used to generate the signature, or the the data object used to create the signature was serialised incorrectly. |
637 | ERROR_DUPLICATE_MESSAGE_ID | The MessageID sent in the API call has been used before. |
639 | ERROR_NO_PUBLIC_KEY | No public key has been configured for the merchant on Trustly's side. |
642 | ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL | The email attribute is missing or invalid (this is a requirement when using Trustly Direct Debit). |
645 | ERROR_INVALID_LOCALE | The Locale attribute is sent with an incorrect value. |
688 | ERROR_DUPLICATE_UUID | This UUID has been used before. |
696 | ERROR_ENDUSERID_IS_NULL | The EndUserID sent in the request is null |
697 | ERROR_MESSAGEID_IS_NULL | The MessageID sent in the request is null |
700 | ERROR_MALFORMED_SUCCESSURL | The SuccessURL sent in the request is malformed. It must be a valid http(s) address. |
701 | ERROR_MALFORMED_FAILURL | The FailURL sent in the request is malformed. It must be a valid http(s) address. |
702 | ERROR_MALFORMED_TEMPLATEURL | The TemplateURL sent in the request is malformed. It must be a valid http(s) address. |
703 | ERROR_MALFORMED_URLTARGET | The URLTarget sent in the request is malformed. |
704 | ERROR_MALFORMED_MESSAGEID | The MessageID sent in the request is malformed. |
705 | ERROR_MALFORMED_NOTIFICATIONURL | The NotificationURL sent in the request is malformed. It must be a valid https address. |
706 | ERROR_MALFORMED_ENDUSERID | The EndUserID sent in the request is malformed. |
712 | ERROR_DIRECT_DEBIT_NOT_ALLOWED | Trustly Direct Debit (TDD) is not enabled on the merchant's user in Trusty's system. If you want to use TDD, please reach out to your Trustly contact. If you don't want to use TDD and still get this error message, you need to remove the RequestDirectDebitMandate attribute from the SelectAccount data. |
717 | ERROR_INVALID_ORDER_ATTRIBUTE | One or more attributes are sent with the incorrect value. Please reach out to your Trustly contact for more information. |
718 | ERROR_DISABLED_USER | The merchant's user is disabled in Trustly's system. |
734 | ERROR_NOT_SECURE_NOTIFICATIONURL | The NotificationURL must be using HTTPS, not plain HTTP. |
737 | ERROR_INVALID_COUNTRY | The Country code is invalid. |