Get information about a customer's account used in an order

This is a method that Trustly will call on the merchant's system in order to send information about the account used in this order.

This notification is not enabled by default, please contact our support if you want to receive it.


KYC data in account notification

For additional personal data in account notification, merchant will need to use Trustly's Lean KYC service.
Restrictions in provided data may apply depending on merchant business and/or markets. For more information, reach out to your commercial contact at Trustly.

Example of an account notification, sent by the Trustly system to the merchants listening service at the specified NotificationURL:

    "method": "account",
    "params": {
        "uuid": "258a2184-2842-b485-25ca-293525152425",
        "data": {
                "descriptor":"**** *084057",
    "version": "1.1"
    "method": "account",
    "params": {
        "uuid": "258a2184-2842-b485-25ca-293525152425",
        "data": {
                "descriptor":"**** *084057",
                "personid": "SE198201019876",
                "name": "John Doe",
                "address": "Examplestreet 1",
                "zipcode": "12345",
                "city": "Examplecity"
    "version": "1.1"

New parameters may be added to the notification in future versions of the API but current parameters will never be removed.

Hash keyDescriptionTypeExample
messageidYour unique ID of the order.Text98348932
orderidThe unique ID in our system for your messageidText87654567
notificationidUnique ID for this notification. Each notification must only be handled once in your system.Text4567897654
accountidUnique ID for this account.Text1234567890
verifiedWhether the account is verified or not. 0 for not verified, 1 for verified.Text1
attributesOptional attributes for this notification.Hash

All attributes are not always present, the possible attributes are:

Attribute nameDescriptionTypeExample
clearinghouseThe clearinghouse of the end user's bank account (i.e, the country where the bank account is held). Note: this is not necessarily the same as the end user's country of residenceTextSWEDEN
bankThe bank for this accountTextSEB
descriptorA text that is safe to show the enduser for identifying the account. Do not parse this text since it will be a different format for different accounts.Text**** *084057
lastdigitsThe last digits of the bank account number. This can be used for matching against received KYC data from your manual routines.Text084057
personidAn ID that uniquely identifies the account holder. Note: The format of this field will for some countries look different than the example.TextSE198201019876
nameThe name of the account holderTextJoh Doe
addressThe address of the account holderTextExamplestreet 1
zipcodeThe zipcode of the account holderText12345
cityThe city of the account holderTextExamplecity
directdebitmandate1 if a direct debit mandate exists for this account, 0 otherwiseNumeric1

Valid responses are:

OKThe notification has been received.

Example of OK reponse:

    "result": {
        "signature": "R9+hjuMqbsH0Ku ... S16VbzRsw==",
        "uuid": "258a2184-2842-b485-25ca-293525152425",
        "method": "account",
        "data": {
            "status": "OK"