Get confirmed when a payout is sent

This is a notification that Trustly will send to the merchant's system in order to confirm that a payout has been sent.


This notification is not enabled by default. Please contact your Trustly integration manager in case you want to receive it.

A typical scenario is:

  1. A merchant sends an AccountPayout or Withdraw or Refund request to Trustly’s API (and in the case of a Withdrawal, a debit notification is sent to the merchant and the merchant approves the Withdrawal).
  2. Trustly sends the funds to the recipient’s bank account.
  3. As soon as Trustly gets a confirmation from the bank that the funds have been sent, Trustly will send a “payoutconfirmation” notification to the NotificationURL specified in the AccountPayout or Withdraw API call, or for a Refund to the NotificationURL from the original Deposit.

Example of “payoutconfirmation” notification JSON RPC HTTPS POST data, sent by the Trustly system to the merchants listening service at the specified NotificationURL:

  "version": "1.1",
  "method": "payoutconfirmation",
  "params": {
    "signature": "SZth3ylS1[...]5Jm2dnLKtzVq5IRNXBLvh3fO6i1ZCXQ==",
    "data": {
      "currency": "SEK",
      "notificationid": "1716888077",
      "orderid": "3236871181",
      "enduserid": "user_534412",
      "messageid": "483212",
      "amount": "11",
      "timestamp": "2019-03-27 10:04:01.446937+01"
    "uuid": "42d7e0a2-03e2-49fc-bcf7-c109fb411514"

New parameters may be added to the notification in future versions of the API but current parameters will never be removed.

Parameter nameDescriptionTypeExample
amountThe amount that has been paid out.text11
enduseridThe ID of the end-user in the merchant’s system.textSEK
currencyThe payout currency.textuser_534412
messageidThe merchant’s unique ID of the transaction.text483212
notificationidUnique ID for this notification. Each notification must only be handled once in your system.text1716888077
orderidThe unique ID in Trustly’s system for this payout.text3236871181
timestampThe date and time when the payout was confirmed, and the GMT offset (+01 means GMT + 1 hours).text2019-03-27 10:04:01.446937+01

Valid responses are:

OKThe notification has been received.

Example of a payout notification response:

  "result": {
    "signature": "Dd0hjuf17sH0Ku ... S16VbaRzz==",
    "uuid": "42d7e0a2-03e2-49fc-bcf7-c109fb411514",
    "method": "payoutconfirmation",
    "data": {
      "status": "OK"
  "version": "1.1"


Important notes

In many cases, the “payoutconfirmation” will be sent within minutes after the AccountPayout request has been received by Trustly. But in some cases there will be a delay of 1 day or more, since Trustly relies on receiving statement files from banks.

If you have sent an AccountPayout request and haven’t received a “payoutconfirmation” within an hour or so, it doesn’t necessarily mean that something is wrong. If you experience this and need to know the actual status of the payout, you can either use Trustly’s backoffice (Transactions > Withdrawals), or use the GetWithdrawals API method.

If you use the GetWithdrawals method and receive status EXECUTING or EXECUTED, it means that the withdrawal is currently being processed or has been processed, but is not confirmed yet.

The GetWithdrawals method must not be used more than once every 15 minutes per payout.

Please note that even if a “payoutconfirmation” has been sent, the payout can still fail afterwards. If that happens, Trustly will send a Credit notification to the merchant’s NotificationURL. This can happen for example if the funds are sent to a bank account that is closed.