Cancel a scheduled recurring payment


Please note - Trustly Direct Debit (TDD) is no longer offered to new merchants

Please see Merchant Direct Debit (MDD) instead.


For Charge requests that have a future PaymentDate, it’s possible to cancel the Charge up until 18.00 on the day before the PaymentDate.

A Charge request that doesn’t have any PaymentDate specified cannot be canceled. It’s also not possible to cancel a Charge request if the PaymentDate is equal to the date when Charge request was sent.

Request example

  "method": "CancelCharge",
  "params": {
    "UUID": "a556f303-1d31-d902-5a7c-fab771b6c709",
    "Data": {
      "Username": "merchant_username",
      "Password": "merchant_password",
      "OrderID": "2513519555"
    "Signature": "mLCDMsrhM5SgVVBrQI\[...\]\]pYycrXBSYpiBQ=="
  "version": "1.1"

Request parameters

Parameter nameDescriptionReq.TypeExample
UsernameThe username.YesTextmerchant_username
PasswordThe password.YesTextmerchant_password
OrderIDThe OrderID of the Charge request that should be canceled.YesText9594811343

Response example

  "version": "1.1",
  "result": {
    "data": {
      "result": "1",
      "rejected": null
    "method": "CancelCharge",
    "signature": "hlrqrPIf\[...\]771b6c709"
  "result": {
    "method": "CancelCharge",
    "data": {
      "result": "0",
      "rejected": "Payment already executed"
    "signature": "XU+T8rk6Pm\[...\]5-7641-1169bd\]4388ca"
  "version": "1.1"

Response attributes

The returned result is an object with the following attributes.

Hash keyDescriptionTypeExample
result1 if the Charge could be canceled, and 0 otherwise.Boolean1
rejectedIf the CancelCharge was NOT accepted and result 0 is sent, a textual code describing the rejection reason will be sent here. For a successful CancelCharge, this will be null.TextPayment already executed