Return details of a payout


This method returns the details of a payout (works for the Withdraw, AccountPayout, and Refund methods).

Request example

  "method": "GetWithdrawals",
  "params": {
    "UUID": "cecf1a0e-31f7-0bed-b07f-481447584126",
    "Data": {
      "Username": "merchant_username",
      "Password": "merchant_password",
      "OrderID": "1436557899"
    "Signature": "xszaGpj7o[...]pSSCCorOnNcoTJyQ=="
  "version": "1.1"

Request parameters

Parameter nameDescriptionRequiredTypeExample
UsernameThe usernameYesTextjoe
PasswordThe passwordYesTextsecret
OrderIDOrderID of the withdrawalYesText1436557899

Response example

  "method": "GetWithdrawals",
  "params": {
    "UUID": "cecf1a0e-31f7-0bed-b07f-481447584126",
    "Data": {
      "Username": "merchant_username",
      "Password": "merchant_password",
      "OrderID": "1436557899"
    "Signature": "xszaGpj7o[...]pSSCCorOnNcoTJyQ=="
  "version": "1.1"
  "result": {
    "uuid": "cecf1a0e-31f7-0bed-b07f-481447584126",
    "method": "GetWithdrawals",
    "data": [
        "reference": "5000010000",
        "modificationdate": "2015-05-12 11:16:30.957975+02",
        "orderid": "1436557899",
        "datestamp": "2015-05-12 11:14:22.982842+02",
        "transferstate": "CONFIRMED",
        "amount": "1.00",
        "accountid": "1234567890",
        "currency": "SEK",
        "eta": "2015-05-12 12:00:00.000000+02"
    "signature": "mIaoBEIsrE[...]VOzV3YCaXgvIM84FA=="
  "version": "1.1"

Response attributes

The response is a list of details for the withdrawal.

Parameter nameDescriptionTypeExample
referenceReference code for the withdrawal generated by Trustly.Text5000010000
modificationdateDate and time when the withdrawal was last updatedText2015-05-12 10:00:30.100000+02
orderidOrderID of the withdrawalText1436557899
datestampDate and time when the withdrawal request was received.Text2015-05-12 10:00:20.100000+02
transferstateThe current state* of the withdrawal.TextCONFIRMED
amountThe amount of the withdrawalText10.00
accountidThe accountid of the receiving accountText1234567890
currencyThe currency of the withdrawalChar(3)EUR
etaThe estimated date and time for when the funds will be available on the receiving bank account. If this information is not available it will be nullText2015-05-12 12:00:00.100000+02

* Transferstate CONFIRMED means that the withdrawal has been sent to the receiving account. EXECUTING or EXECUTED means that the withdrawal is currently being or has been processed, but is not confirmed yet. Any of the following statuses means that it has not been processed yet: PENDING, QUEUED, PREPARING, PREPARED. The following states indicates a failure: BOUNCED, ERROR, FAILED, RETURNED.

It's important that no logic is built on the merchant side based on any specific transferstate. New states can be added, and existing states can be changed or removed without notice.


Limitations for API method

This API method is meant to be used only in special cases when the status of a transaction needs to be investigated. It should not be used consistently for all payouts. Please do not use this method more than once every 15 minutes.